Day Care Center

Sunday, September 23, 2007

What Kind of Nutrition is Your Child Getting at Daycare?

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A growing child requires your undivided attention, your uncompromising love, and also a properly balanced diet. In today's competitive world parents have high expectations of their children, but are rarely prepared to meet the expectations and sacrifices required to bring them up. When your job status is balanced on a knife-edge, even the smallest distraction can prove to be very costly. So how is someone expected to perform the role of parent and employee at the same time? Surely this is not possible! Well, it is almost impossible and yet the human species continues to multiply at a blinding rate. The answer to the current day, working professional's childcare problem has become the daycare centre. Despite certain shortcomings we notice that the trend is steadily gathering pace.

While a daycare centre certainly shelters your child in your absence. A number of attendants are hired to look after the children as well, however, they are still complete strangers to us. Also, a daycare facility for your child is supposed to provide a well balanced diet. In truth this point is extremely debatable, as we cannot judge the quality of food dispensed at the centre. However, we can certainly question the type of food on offer. A daycare centre, in all probability, is inadequately funded. The repercussions are quite disturbing and at times alarming to the parent. Statistics inform us that a majority of generated income is channeled toward staff and overhead charges. As a result, the centre is left with little or no money to procure a quality meal for your child. In fact, a large number of daycare centers do not provide meals at all. Countless studies have conclusively proven that health problems in adults are linked to malnutrition during the childhood years.

Since every parent wants the very best for his or her child they must investigate the quality and type of food provided by their daycare centre. Do not expect sensitive information such as exact figures of income and expenditure as they are either withheld from outsiders or anonymous to the staff themselves. On the other hand, you are well within your rights to demand a list of food items that constitute your child's daycare meal. Once you are armed with this information, you can now substitute the missing food groups into your child's daily diet. It is advisable to approach a qualified nutritionist for help with your child's diet plan.

Lastly, we must also find out whether the centre has any restrictions against parents supplying food items. Several centers highlight health codes violations and allow only authorized food items into the facility. However, if the daycare diet plan is inadequate you need to reconsider admitting your child into this particular centre. Remember, your child comes before your convenience.

The "Daycare Diva", Christine G. Groth, is the creator of "The Guide to Instant Daycare Profits". To learn more about this step-by-step program and to sign-up for her FREE "How to Start a Daycare" tips and articles, visit

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