Day Care Center

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Work; Adult Daycare

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Anyone that has read some of my articles can probably tell that I have a bitter taste in my mouth as it relates to Corporate America. The reason I have this view is because I am not a Corporate America person, but I am in a Corporate America position.

Why do I refer to work as adult daycare? Simple. There are a bunch of people that have to go to a place for 9 hours a day (usually much more). While you are there you are dealing with people who are petty, extremely sensitive and their feelings are easily hurt. They talk about people behind their back like kids do with the weird kid playing in the corner by himself. There are people in upper management that get upset when you don’t agree with them and they pull a power trip like the kid in the neighborhood that took his ball and went home when he didn’t get his way. And, there are bullies. The people who stink at their job but try to intimidate people into thinking they are someone important.

I said before that I am not a corporate guy and that is because I am honest. I say what I feel and what I mean. I don’t pull any punches. I make my opinion known in a professional way and I have refused to do some things my manager has asked me to do simply because I did not agree and thought they were wrong. There is something very ironic about my situation and that is, for anybody that has kids you are constantly teaching them to be honest and not to lie to people. But, when you get older and get into the “real world” all you deal with on a daily basis is lies and deception. I guess it is also ironic that it is called the “real world” too. What is real about it?

I have a little girl turning 2 years old next month and I would spend all my time with her over adults any day and that is because she is honest. If she is at her daycare she is honest with her classmates. If one of them has a “booooga” (as she pronounces it) she tells them. If someone hits her she tells them, “I no like that!” My friends all have kids now and they are a bit younger than my daughter but they are rapidly approaching that honesty stage. If we have a cookout this summer there is a good chance I will be found playing with the kids because the honesty is just refreshing. Not that my friends aren’t honest, because they are for the most part, but because they are not honest like a toddler is honest.

I called the article Work: The Adult Daycare not because we are babysat at work, although in some cases we are, but because it is everything a child daycare is without the honesty. At what point in life is it not OK to be honest anymore? Why do our parents teach us the importance of being honest when they are most likely participating in the lies at Adult Daycare?

I work for Liberty Mutual Insurance, for about 3 more weeks. I am on probation. I am on probation for being honest. I have expressed my concerns about the way we handle homeowner’s insurance. Refer to my article, The Scam We Call Homeowner’s Insurance. There are many other examples of my being honest. One other big one has to do with the Massachusetts Auto Insurance “Program” we implemented last spring. I will be writing an article about that very soon as well. But the biggest reason I am going to be fired is for being honest with my manager.

I know what it takes to be successful. You need to play the “political game”. I am not oblivious to this, I just don’t agree with it. Because of this I have begun my work-from-home business and will soon be doing it full-time. At least then I will be able to say I work for someone I respect.

Scott Bianchi operates He writes on a variety of topics. If you would like to be added to his distribution list for his new articles when they are published just send an email to

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