Day Care Center

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Kids and Daycare

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Now a days the only way for some families to make it, is for both the mother and father work and the children go to daycare. The daycares are not only expensive but you don't really know what goes on while your children are there.

My daughter and son-in-law were in the group of working parents. My grandson was put in a childcare while they worked. My grandson wasn't the type to cry and act up when he was dropped off. Then he changed. We all thought it was because he was spoiled and didn't want to leave mommy and daddy. It got to the point that my daughter had to get him interested in a toy and sneak out of the place. This went on for months. Then Grandma showed up and was blessed with babysitting for the day. Let me tell you, what a day. From the time my daughter and son-in-law left for work, and until they came home my grandson did nothing but cry. And I mean really cry. How heartbreaking. He kept saying, I want my mommy, I want my daddy, I really love my mommy, I really love my daddy. It made me cry. This went on for 6 hours steady. He would sit there and play but still cry and repeat I really love my mommy, I really love my daddy, I want my mommy, I want my daddy. Finally I got him down for a nap. He wore himself out from all the crying. My daughter had finally arrived home from work. She couldn't believe him acting like that. Tristan never had a problem staying with me. We couldn't figure out why all of a sudden there was a big change in him.

She had called the daycare to see if there was something going on there. She had explained his actions for the day. The lady she had talked to had said that it was probably because he wasn't use to being around Grandma cause she lives in Georgia and doesn't come often. Wrong. Grandma was there every other week. After she went round for round with the lady, she ended up taking my grandson out of the daycare and put him in another one. My grandson was back to his old self. Laughing and playing, having a good time. Even found himself a girlfriend.

A few weeks later, my daughter was talking to a friend who works in the building next to the daycare. Well, she started talking about my grandson and how he was acting, and that she had to put him in another daycare. It turns out that the friend witnessed one of the workers at the daycare outside on the side of the building sitting in a chair with my grandson sitting on her lap with her arms around his chest and her legs wrapped around his legs and him crying his little heart out. This act of discipline nearly ruined my grandson. If they did that to my grandson, what else were they doing there?

My grandson is no longer in daycare, he is in second grade and his mom is a stay at home mom. He is doing great and a happy little fellow.

So if you need to put your child in a daycare, be sure to check it out before you leave your child. And if you see a difference in your child's attitude or behavior, check it out. There is a reason why.


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