Day Care Center

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why Starting A Daycare Is The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

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Who ever thought that starting your own daycare could allow you to stay home and make $90,241 a year from the comfort of your own home.

Just think about this for a minute….

Get up in the morning invite 7-8 kids to your house Monday thru Friday, have fun, teach pre-school activities, read books, eat lunch, take a nap, play little more, go home.

That’s about what the day involves, but you need to think further. You are a business owner now, which means you can write off items on your tax return. How about things like furniture, cars, or utility bills? These are items you need anyways regardless of any business or job you might have.

Pretty cool, right?

Another thing to remember is all the personal work you can get done in your home while running your daycare. I always found naptime to be very productive.

So while your kids are sleeping, you can be getting your chores done by folding laundry, making dinner, phone calls paperwork, etc. State agency rules state that you need to be within hearing and sight of your children. So why not get a little of your work done while they sleep?

But remember you cannot do your chores while children are awake and present. This would qualify as poor child care practices.

I just wanted to give you some pointers as someone who’s been there!

Next, we will talk about working at home while raising your children.

I started my daycare when my twin daughters were both 1 years old. It was great because Alex and Caroline loved having other kids over to play.

The two “momma’s girls” got out of my hair and became preoccupied with their friends who came over to our house. To them, it was just one big party. I still remember the day when a family of 2 boys came over and my daughters played. Their favorite thing was to run around the living room with a gigantic yellow blanket over their heads.

In essence, the whole thing worked out pretty well. I made money, my daughters had fun, I supplied a great service, and at the end of the day, the laundry was folded and there was food on the table.

Amazingly, it cost me very little to start my daycare. Most of the toys were my daughters’ or gifted to us by friends. Birthday parties were a great way of building my business. Invite all your friends and relatives, make a meal, and you’d be amazed at all the gifts that come flowing in! People love to buy toys and clothes for little girls.

I also began frequenting my local Goodwill store. I bought a lot of almost new toys, books, games, puzzles for next to nothing. I also shopped rummage sales. It also helps to ask parents for a donation of toys or items they are not using in their home. You’ll be surprised by how many Christmas gifts never make it out of their boxes! Tell your parents that you would love to use these items and put them to use.

Want to see the proof in the pudding that I really made that kind of money? Go to to download my free 6 part newsletter on how to open your own daycare. Christine Groth is a author and mentor of 6-weeks to Instant Daycare Profits Home Study Course.

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